Value Building

Do you know the true value of your business or how efficiently the business is operating?

Many business owners do not have any idea, so that is why we have a system to help determine the value of your business—it involves a deep analysis of the 8 drivers of creating value.

The Value Builder Score explained where I currently was with my business. It gave value to specific areas of my business and showed me where I needed to improve things.

John Christian Williams


Understanding your value builders will allow you to:

  • Pinpoint the elements of your business that have highest value – so you can invest more into building and protecting these strengths
  • Identify hidden things that might be quietly depleting your business value – so you can take action now to eliminate them
  • See how an acquirer might value your business – so you can focus on where you need to make improvements
  • Diagnosing what might be holding you back from creating a business that can thrive without you – so you can plan a stress-free exit

As an example, our Discovery Process determines your personal wealth, including the current value of the business. A comparison of current net worth versus the required net worth needed to enjoy your expected lifestyle after exiting the business often results in a Value Gap.

This Value Gap can be closed by focusing on one or more of these 8 drivers of business value. Improving a driver will increase the business efficiency, which results in increased value of the business, thereby closing any gaps.

Our Value Building process can be completed in 1-12 months, depending on the number of drivers that need to be addressed.